Chartering an aircraft can be a good alternative to outright purchase for a variety of reasons ranging from practicality to cash flow.
Chartering minimizes your risk and maximizes your opportunities while also increasing safety, reliability, and availability limits while offering a less expensive solution to outright ownership. Chartering provides you with guaranteed access to aircraft, highly experienced pilots, and predictable costs.
By Chartering, you will avoid the substantial costs and capital risk associated with ownership while still enjoying flexibility in terms of aircraft access and flight availability during high-traffic portions of the year. Additionally, when you charter from Bun Air at the Bedford County Airport, you will benefit from awesome flight experiences, access to the latest fleet of aircraft, and a dedicated team of experts to assist you with all of your private aviation needs.
Private aviation offers several convincing benefits, including comfort and convenience.
Make the convenient choice when booking your business, team, or leisure travel. No long lines, parking hassles, major security restrictions, or lack of personal attention when you or your organization fly. Bun Air offers personal and professional charter services for yourself, family, or organization. Contact them for more information or to schedule your next trip. Call Bun Air at (814) 623-8171.